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Juniors are flying

As you can see the juniors had a great time on Saturday, the warmup here is certainly looking to be fun.

Adam and Audrey are both yellow belts now, and Catherine has her orange belt, and they are all progressing very well under Sempai Eirik’s coaching.

Coming back

Well ever so slowly, and with a few false starts, we are back after the pandemic. Some faces not here yet, some new ones have shown, but we are back and it feels great!!!

Holiday closing

We will be closed from the last class on Saturday December 14, 2019 until January 11, 2020.

Have a great Christmas and New Year.

We are getting dangerous

We tried out the new headgear in the junior class on Saturday, and we think we are really looking cool.

Junior children’s classes have started

We, had our first class for younger children on Saturday, and the second one on Tuesday.

Eirik taught the class of three on both occasions, and a great time was had by all. Hopefully more kids will join us soon.

Agincourt dojo is up and running

We have now been working out in the new dojo since early August, and the place is really nice and well suited to what we do.

The classes are running Tuesday evening and Saturday morning, and the students are the same group that we had in our previous location. They have all recently been promoted, and are now working hard towards the next level.

We will be starting a little advertising and hope to add a little to our numbers, we also intend to start a class for younger kids shortly.

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