Summer is here

We have been a little lax with posting info on here in the last little while, but here is picture from our last joint class before the summer break.

Emily, Honey, Adithyan, Jerry and Nathen are now all yellow and white belts. Jonathan and Kimi are yellow. Jeremy is orange and white. Audrey and Adam are blue and white and Catherine is brown and white.

We had a good workout tonight with lots of games, and finished off with some pizza. Not a bad night.

See you all in the fall !!!!!

It’s that time again

The summer is coming to and end and school is about to start, and so are we.

We will be resuming classes on Tuesday Sept 6, at the usual times, which of course is 4.30 pm to 5.20 pm for the juniors, and 5.30 to 6.30 for the seniors.

The kobudo classes will also resume starting on Wednesday Sept 7, and will for now be run from 5 to 6 pm. There is some thought of moving this to another day of the week, but for now this will be the time.

Hope you all had a great summer and are ready for some fun, hopefully you have not forgotten everything.

Senior Clinic

Sensei Giffen, the Canadian chief instructor for our style, hosted a clinic for senior members of Ryusei and other related styles that derive their teachings from O’Sensei in Toronto last weekend.

It was a resounding success, with people from all over Ontario attending. The theme of the clinic was how we can learn and improve by incorporating ideas and techniques from each other, as well as from other martial art practitioners. To that end there was a couple of hours introduction by a tai chi instructor, as well as instruction by a number senior senseis from all over.

It was great to see old friends again, have a good chat, and deepen our knowledge of our passion.

Well we are back and moving

Still at it, with some new recruits

We have been back for a couple of months now, the pandemic certainly put a damper on things, but all behind us now.

The juniors are still hard at it twice a week and getting a lot better, also we have picked up a couple of more keen people, and once we start up again in the fall, we are sure more will follow.

For the summer we will not have regular classes, but will get together every couple of weeks to make sure all is not forgotten in the warm weather.